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Saturday, March 31, 2007

Sort of Gilligan-esque

My mother sends this dispatch based on a phone conversation with my brother, traveling in South America with indeterminate destination and duration:
Davin called today at about 6:45 PM. Davin and Andrew “adventured” their way into the San Blas area of Panama (on the Atlantic side). They got on a cargo ship (trying to save money) to make their way south. The cargo ship broke down and it was towed to an island (small island of about 500 Cuna people) off the coast of Panama near Puerto Obaldia. Then Davin and Andrew wanted to get somewhere where they can get to the mainland. So, some police took them to another island where they could catch a ride to the mainland which is where they are now. Davin was calling from a phone booth on this island! There are 4 regular phone booths housed in a grass hut. They are staying at some family’s house tonight! Tomorrow at 5 AM they are getting a boat ride (in a hollowed out canoe), going along the coast, south – it will take them about 4 hours to reach Playeta, Panama. They hope to find some way to get from Playeta to Turbo, Colombia. Then they want to beat it out of town before nightfall because it is not safe there.

Well, that's rather different from my trip to Peru...

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